Last Friday, Italian Club Dallas met with Special Olympics representatives to present them with a $5,000 check to Special Olympics from the ICD Bocce Tournament sponsored by Jimmy's Italian Grocery Store at the DFW Italian Festival on Oct 7 in Las Colinas. The sponsor Jimmy's Food Store, the tournament team entry fees and special donations from the...

Domenica 13 Giugno la Comunità Italiana ed Italo-Americana si e’ riunita nell’area  metropolitana di Dallas/Ft Worth in Texas (dopo 18 mesi dall’ultimo evento avvenuto di presenza, causa Covid)a seguito dell’iniziativa del Rappresentante del Cgie Vincenzo Arcobelli che in cooperazione con le Associazioni che operano sul territorio Texano, la CSNA,...

The Italian Program announces the winner of the 2020-2021 “Italian Club of Dallas” Scholarship! This year’s recipient is…Alexa Hassell, who will be spending the summer in Rome. Alexa Hassell is a current sophomore who knew what she wanted to do from day one. Before starting her first day of classes, she walked into Italian Program Director Anthony...

The nonprofit Italian Club of Dallas has become a club without a home after losing its location in Addison. The organization, which describes its role as promoting and preserving Italian culture and traditions, moved out of the space it occupied since 2006, following a dispute with the landlord that it cannot discuss, but which surely must have som...

Joining the Italian Club of Dallas for a Friday night cena, or dinner, is like time-traveling. The group's warmth and sense of community evoke an era when Italian Americans lived in the same neighborhoods, attended the same churches, and socialized together. Non-members are welcome for this dinner, and my husband, friends and I are among this minor...

The Italian Club of Dallas is hosting Festa Italia: Italian Festival & Bocce Tournament at 10 a.m. Saturday at John Paul II High School, 900 Coit Road. The family-friendly event will include Italian food and beverages, grape stomping, an Italian car show, folk dancing, children's games and the Festa Italia Bocce Classic. Teams can register...

The ICD General Membership meeting this Sunday, November 22 kicks off with a Thank-you Lunch for our Members consisting of pasta with meat sauce, salad, bread and dessert. Please contact Melissa at to let us know if you are attending so we have enough food for all. We will be holding our new Board Member elections and nomin...

Italian Club of Dallas. Monday, February 9, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM (CST) - Addison, TX Please join us as we take a Tour through Sicily with food and wine. Our guests, Alfonso Cevola and Joe Piccola with Glaziers and Paul DiCarlo with Jimmy's Food Store will share their experiences from their visits to Sicily and its' wineries. In...

Make your reservations now for a romantic dinner at the Italian Club of Dallas on Valentine's Day. Celebrate the evening with your sweetheart by treating her to a fabulous dinner prepared by Guest Chefs Gerard and Christian. The dinner and the wonderful dessert along with the ambiance of the Club will say AMORE.   Your evening will begin wit...

Come to the Club Wednesday, September 9, and learn about Italy's foremost orchestral composer and musicologist, Ottorino Respighi. Respighi captured the essence of Rome through his seminal works, The Pines of Rome, The Fountains of Rome, and Roman Festivals. Learn about the composer and his beautiful music at a presentation by the the Dallas Wind S...